Does postcolonialism provide no way to take the study of history forward?
Zachariah has argued that the term 'postcolonial' increasingly appears to be devoid of the polemical and political charge that it once carried, and that it presents serious limitations as an approach to writing history. But assuming that postcolonialism is inadequate in its task or insufficiently elaborated seems to perpetuate notions of the 'new humanities' (gender studies, cultural studies, and the like) as subjugated knowledges versus the 'universality' and 'dominant' knowledge of conventional, 'proper' history. After defining what is meant by postcolonialism and presenting the case of subaltern studies, this essay will argue that because it challenges long-established (and still prevalent) historiographies and because it provides alternatives to the study of history, postcolonialism does not only provide a way forward but also sideways and upward, and for that reason still proves to be fertile to historical discourse . Postcolonialism has...